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Introducing Our New Shift Scheduling Module – Now in Beta Testing!
Good news for all our Hours users out there! We’re excited to announce the beta testing phase of our freshly developed Shift Scheduling Module. As we strive to enhance our platform and cater to the evolving needs of businesses, this new feature promises to revolutionize how you manage your team’s shifts.

What Can You Do with the New Module?
- Shift Scheduling: Easily draft and finalize shift schedules for your team, ensuring everyone is aware of their work times and there’s no room for confusion.
- Marking Work Interruptions: Whether it’s a sudden machinery breakdown or an unplanned event, mark it down without hassle.
- Employee-Requested Work Interruptions: Empower your employees! With this feature, your team members can request work interruptions when necessary, streamlining the process and improving communication.
- Upcoming Feature – Specific Work Tasks: We’re always aiming to enhance our features. Soon, you’ll be able to specify particular tasks within the schedule, providing a clear overview of responsibilities.
As we push the boundaries of what Hours can offer, we’re eager to hear your feedback. We believe this Shift Scheduling Module will not only simplify managerial tasks but also boost overall productivity. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements. Your success is our mission!
Time is money. Hours saves you both
Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!
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Next-generation time tracking: Beacon and Gateway systems in software
Time tracking is the key to company success, helping managers understand how to most efficiently use employee time. Today, however, simply counting hours is no longer sufficient – companies need a system capable of tracking where and when work occurs. This is where comes into play, in conjunction with Beacon and Gateway systems, which enable time tracking in a predetermined territory or building.
What are Beacon and Gateway systems?
Beacon and Gateway systems are two innovative technologies that enable real-time location-based time tracking in specific locations.
A Beacon is a small Bluetooth device that constantly sends radio signals within a short range. These signals are received by, for example, smartphones or other Beacon devices, and hence know that they are near a Beacon.
A Gateway, on the other hand, is a device that allows data transmission between different networks and devices. The Gateway is like a “gate” that connects different networks and devices, allowing data to move freely.
How do Beacon and Gateway systems work with Hours software?
Beacon and Gateway systems are integrated into time tracking software through our trusted partners. When an employee enters the Beacon’s coverage area in a designated territory or building, the Beacon sends a signal to the employee’s device. The employee’s device then sends the signal to the Gateway, which in turn sends the information to software. In this way, the software knows when and where the employee started work.
What are the advantages of Beacon and Gateway systems in software?
Automatic time tracking: Thanks to Beacon and Gateway systems, can automatically track employees’ working hours in a designated territory or building. Employees do not have to worry about whether they are logged in or out – the system does this work for them.
Location-based tracking: With Beacon and Gateway systems, can track employees’ location in real time, but only within a company-designated territory or building. This means that you can see when an employee arrived at work, when they left, and when they performed a specific task.
Increasing efficiency: Since Beacon and Gateway systems enable real-time tracking of where and when work is performed, you can better plan and manage your resources.
Fewer human errors: With the use of Beacon and Gateway systems, the number of errors made by employees is reduced, as all data is collected and processed automatically.
Improved employee experience: Employees can focus on their work, knowing that the software takes care of their time tracking within the designated territory or building. This reduces stress and improves the overall work experience.
Thanks to Beacon and Gateway systems, time tracking software is capable of offering truly next-level time tracking, tailored to your company’s needs.
In conclusion, integrating Hours Beacon and Gateway systems opens new possibilities for time tracking, making the process more precise, efficient, and employee-friendly. Are you ready to take your company’s time tracking to the next level? is here to help you achieve this.
Time is money. Hours saves you both
Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!
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Pärnu Graniit OÜ's experience with Hours time tracking software
Pärnu Graniit OÜ, like many other companies, needed a solution for tracking work hours. For them, it was important to find software that was easy to use and would enable them to quickly calculate hourly wages. Thanks to the recommendation of friends, they found Hours software, which turned out to be exactly the solution they were looking for.
Before implementing Hours software, Pärnu Graniit OÜ spent 3-4 hours each month collecting and processing paper timesheets. After starting to use Hours, the company’s time expenditure has significantly decreased, and time tracking has become more manageable.
Pärnu Graniit OÜ has not used any other time tracking software before, but they are very satisfied with Hours. The simplicity, speed, and clarity of the software are the main reasons why they would recommend it to other companies.
The biggest change after implementing Hours software has been time savings. The company has not encountered any problems with using the software and, in their opinion, the software does not currently require any additional features or improvements. They are very satisfied with Hours and definitely recommend it to other companies in need of a time tracking solution.
Time is money. Hours saves you both
Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!
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A new advanced Hours login box has been completed

Äsja valminud uus hours sisselogimis boks on märksa targem. Nüüd on võimalik kasutada kõikvõimalikke kiipe tööaja registreerimiseks. Võite kastutada ka enda kaarte ja kiipe. Töötab ka näiteks “Valttikortti” kaardiga.
Seadistatav põhivaade.
Kui soovite näha boksist kes millal on alustanud ja mis tööd teeb siis see on võimalik, aga kui ei soovi sellist informatsiooni avaldada siis võimalik seadistada oma tekstiga peavaade.

Saada kiri boksi.
Jah nüüd on see võimalik. Võite saata informatiivseid lauseid otse boksi ekraanile ja töölised näevad seda logimisi tehes.
Küsige pakkumist oma firmale
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Hours can now be used in the iPhone app
Spetsiaalne iPhone kasutajatele mõeldud rakendus lihtsustab Hours’i kasutamist võrreldes brauseripõhise versiooniga veelgi. Nimelt salvestab äpp töö alustamise ja lõpetamise asukohad automaatselt ning võimaldab töötajal lihtsalt näha oma iganädalasi töötunde. Äpist saab töötaja lihtsasti valida tööliiki, mida ta parajasti teeb. Peakasutaja omakorda näeb kogu töötajaid puudutavat infot reaalajas ja saab endale vajalikku statistikat ning aruandeid koostada alati kõige värskema rakendusse sisestatud info põhjal.
Tööajaarvestuse programm Hours on sobiv igas suuruses ettevõttele, millel pole otstarbekas kasutada mahukaid ning kõrge kuutasuga tööaja ja -protsessi juhtimise programme. Hours võimaldab ühe kindla kuutasu eest koguda infot, mis on vajalik tööajaarvestusega seotud aruandluse tarbeks eelkõige Eesti ja Soome seadusandlust silmas pidades.
Üleminek Hours’ile toob suurima muudatuse nende ettevõtete töökorraldusse, kes seni on tööajaarvestust pidanud tabelarvutusprogrammide või suisa paberil. Lisaks mugavusele välistab Hours arvestusvigade ja topeltfailide tekkimise võimaluse.
Vaata järele:

Hours’i võimalused:
– Tööaja arvestus
– Töötajate andmete arhiveerimine
– Tööga seotud info ja dokumentide salvestamine
– Võimaldab teha protsessi- ja töötajapõhiseid kokkuvõtteid
– Eristab erinevaid tööliike
– Annab tööandjale võimaluse jälgida tööprotsessi reaalajas
– Töötab ka NFC-kaartide ja nööpidega
– Soodne võimalus igas suuruses ettevõttele, kus on oluline töötundide arvestamine
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The benefits of Hours' working time lies in minor details
Hiljuti saime ühelt oma kliendilt põhjaliku tagasiside, kuidas Hours’i tööajaarvestuse tarkvara on tema igapäevatööd ja selle korraldamist muutnud. Jagame kogemust ja loodame, et sellest on abi otsuste langetamisel.
Ilari Hirvensalo, Eko Expert KH OY:
Meie peamiseks tegevusalaks on hoonete soojustamine ning erinevad tööd vaakum-ekskavaatorautodega. Ettevõttes on igapäevaselt tööl keskmiselt 25 inimest, kes alustavad igal hommikul tööd Helsinki lähedal Järvenpääl asuvast või Turu lähedal Kyrös asuvast staabist. Enamasti tulevad töötajad iga tööpäeva õhtul neisse tagasi, vahel harva, kaugemate lähetuste puhul, ööbivad ka hotellides.
Ideed valdkonna praktikutelt
Algselt kasutasime tööaja arvestamiseks Soome arendaja, Movenium’i, tarkvara, mille puudused meie tööd silmas pidades, olid tihti lihtsates detailides. Näiteks
polnud võimalik töölistel näha, kas keegi kolleegidest on veel tööl või mitte? Nii tekkis alati päeva lõpus küsimus, et kes on viimane ja peaks sulgema väravad?
Hours’it kasutades näevad kõik staabis viibivad töötajad spetsiaalselt sisselogimisseadmelt, kes on tööpäeva lõpetanud ja kes mitte. Sama võimalus on ka juhtkonnal, kes saavad seadme abil või spetsiaalset internetipõhist rakendust kasutades tegelikult rohkemgi vajalikku infot. Kasvõi seda, et millist tööd keegi
parasjagu teeb?
Kokkuvõtvalt saab aga Hours’it iseloomustada kui igapäevatöö praktilistest vajadustest lähtuvat süsteemi, mille algne idee ei pärine mitte tarkvaraarendajatelt,
vaid teenindusvaldkonnas tegutsevatelt inimestelt, kel oli sellist tarkvaralahendust töö lihtsustamiseks vaja.
Hours’iga harjuti kiiresti
Hours’i rakendusega kasutatav staapides asuv sisselogimisseade on mõnevõrra võimekam kui need, mida mitmed konkurendid kasutavad. Tänu ekraanile, millelt
näeb pidevalt juhiseid ja infot töötajate erinevate staatuste kohta tööaja arvestuse lõikes, võeti uus süsteem vastu igati positiivselt, sest kogu protsess on lihtsam ja
arusaadavam. Varasemalt pidi pimesi vajutama nuppe ja lootma, et kogu info sai korrektselt edastatud.
Väikesed kulud
Otseselt rahaliselt mõõdetavatest tööajaarvestusega seotud kuludest on meie jaoks vähenenud kaks kuluartiklit. Esiteks, Hours’i igakuine tasu on 2,99€ sisseloginud inimese kohta. Eelmise tarkvara puhul olid hinnad kordades kallimad, lisandusid veel erinevad administreerimiskulud. Teiseks vähenenud kuluartikliks on Hours’i puhul palgaarvestaja tööaeg. Eelmise tarkvara kasutamisel pidi raamatupidaja pidevalt kasutama kalkulaatorit, kuna programm ei võimaldanud erinevate tööliikide töötunde summeerida. Hours võimaldab aga väga lihtsasti kasutada erinevaid loogilisi filtreid erinevate arvutuste tegemiseks.
Kokkuvõtvalt tookski Hours’i eelistena välja lihtsuse ja väga hea hinnataseme.
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Client experience: Recording work hours in Excel is often hindered by different software versions
Many Estonian companies active in Finland have used a logical path for recording work hours. Initially a booklet is used where every worker or site manager records the required information and then at some point the transition to Excel tables is made. The table is usually e-mailed back and forth and its main (really only) advantage was that it provided an opportunity to observe activities at the site from distance.
At the same time most companies quickly faced the problem of corrupt tables. The reason being that many computers or current smart devices do not have MS Excel software. Also some use very different versions of Excel. Those who do not have Excel use freeware solutions which allow updating Excel files but may displace the entered formulas or data. Additionally, the file’s sub-sheets might not open fully in such cases.
There is the addition of the human factor as the previously entered data in the Excel file is easily and unnoticeably changed, invalidating the entire work hour results. All the time there was the problem of corrupt or partially unfilled tables and often reporting was duplicated in booklets. There was always fear like fire for the monthly summary as all the time information did not match and collective memory was used to restore the complete picture, often resulting in pure guess work.
After starting to use Hours these problems disappeared.
Data is accessible to all parties in real time from the system and can easily be analysed. The possibility of making mistakes using the Hours recording of working time software is minimal and mistakes are easily found.
It is easier to distribute information required by workers to sites, as if previously a manual e-mail had to be created now only a check mark is required beside the right worker, the e-mail address entered and the send button is pressed.
Hours is a simple and convenient tool for recording work hours. In comparison to many similar software providers Hours has somewhat less functions, but everything required for collecting and distributing information concerning sites and workers is available. An important advantage is a much lower cost compared to the competition, making the convenient recording of work hours solutions accessible also to smaller companies.