Hours Software Usage Approaches

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Hours Software Usage Approaches

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Sven Vaska

This is a question we often hear, almost every week. But how is Hours software really used? Instead of giving specific instructions like “do this, do that,” we provide some examples of how different managers use Hours software daily.

Generally, the use of Hours software can be divided into three main approaches.

Hours as a Background Tool

In the first case, Hours works as a background tool. In many companies, Hours operates automatically and unobtrusively in the background, without users needing to log in constantly. Working hours and activities are recorded automatically, and the manager receives the required reports at the end of the month at a convenient time. These reports can be easily forwarded, for example, to accounting. In some cases, the accountant has independent access to download the required data themselves. In the future, there are plans to add the ability to set up automatic report sending. For instance, it will be possible to specify a particular date when Hours will send the desired report directly by email, using settings predetermined by the manager.

The advantage of this approach is its simplicity and convenience. When all working hours are recorded automatically, and the reports are easily accessible, it reduces the workload for both managers and employees, as they do not need to enter data manually or log in to the system every day. This approach works well for companies where time tracking doesn’t require constant monitoring, and managers only need an overall overview without delving into details. Hours ensures that the necessary data is always available and ready at the right time, making the company’s management processes smoother.

Active Time Confirmation

The second usage is a more active approach. Some managers summarize and confirm the previous day’s hours already in the morning of the next day or at the end of the week. This approach allows for faster response and more accurate time tracking, making it suitable for those who prefer to keep an eye on their team’s activities in real time.

This approach helps keep all time data accurate and up-to-date since the hours are confirmed regularly instead of only at the end of the month. Additionally, the manager can respond more quickly to possible changes or inaccuracies that may arise in the schedule. Such an active usage approach works particularly well for managers who want to continually analyze and optimize their team’s work efficiency. It is also useful for those who value transparency and wish to keep employees’ work hours and tasks accurately documented.

Real-Time Time Tracking

The third option is real-time time tracking. This means managers monitor and manage working hours continuously throughout the workday. Real-time time tracking provides managers with an immediate overview of who is working on which tasks and for how long. This is particularly useful for ensuring quick responses and flexibility — for example, when work assignments need to be quickly rearranged, or when an employee needs assistance. Real-time tracking helps managers optimize resource use and ensure that work is done on time and efficiently. In addition to working hours, managers can monitor workers’ added comments and photos in real time, giving a better overview of the work progress and any potential issues. This allows managers to respond more quickly to questions or concerns raised by employees and ensures that all important notes and visual evidence are easily accessible. This approach is suitable for those managing larger teams or more complex projects where continuous insight into work processes and resource allocation is essential. It is also beneficial in project management where workflow needs to be constantly visible to ensure smooth project execution and quick response to unexpected situations. Real-time tracking also provides employees with clearer feedback and support since managers always have an accurate picture of the team’s activities.

As seen, Hours software allows flexible use according to the needs of the company and the manager — whether as a background assistant, a daily tool, or a real-time monitoring instrument that helps managers accurately track and lead their team’s activities. This flexibility means Hours is suitable for many types of organizations, whether they need a system that works almost independently or a tool requiring active and continuous intervention. Hours enables each manager to find the most suitable working method for themselves and their team, ensuring the best results and efficiency. The goal of the software is to make managers’ lives easier by providing them with the necessary tools so they can focus on what matters most — developing their company and employees.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!

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August Software Update

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August Software Update

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Sven Vaska

August brought significant improvements and updates to our mobile app and work schedule system. Our team is committed to streamlining your workflow with new and effective solutions.

Mobile App:

• Bug fixes and usability improvements for a more stable and smooth user experience.

Web Application:

• Added settings for rounding work hours.

• 12-hour and 24-hour time formats are now available.

Work Schedule:

• New options for associating different hour types with shifts.

• Use color codes to visually distinguish tasks and shifts.

• Overlap check to prevent scheduling conflicts.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!

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Integration with Other Tools: Best Practices. Case Study of Skano.

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Integration with Other Tools: Best Practices. Case Study of Skano.

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Sven Vaska

In today’s rapidly evolving business world, accurate and efficient time tracking has become more critical than ever. The integration of various tools and systems can significantly improve workflow smoothness and reduce the need for manual time tracking. Hours software is designed to offer companies a comprehensive solution that not only tracks working hours but also seamlessly connects with other business-critical systems.

Starting and Registering Working Hours: How Skano Utilizes the Door Interface System

Skano is an excellent example of a company that uses an innovative door interface system to enhance the efficiency of time tracking. An employee’s workday officially begins when they enter through the company’s main entrance, where the system registers their arrival time. However, it is important to note that actual time tracking only starts when the employee moves through the next door leading to the production area. This ensures that only the time spent actively working in production is counted, avoiding time spent in the office or other areas.

Break registration is also automated. For example, when an employee leaves the production area and heads to the café, the system pauses time tracking. Time tracking resumes automatically when the employee returns to work through the appropriate door. This system reduces the risk of errors and ensures that work breaks and returns are accurately and reliably recorded.

The system is flexible and allows for exceptions. For example, if an employee needs to temporarily leave the production area to go to the office, the system can still count this time as working hours. This ensures that time tracking remains accurate even when the employee needs to move between the production area and the office to complete tasks.

Additionally, according to the company’s settings, the system can automatically round the start and end of working hours in certain cases to ensure consistent and standardized time tracking. This functionality creates a smooth and policy-aligned time tracking process.

Flexibility and Integration Capabilities of Hours Software

Hours software offers a wide range of integration options that facilitate time tracking and seamlessly connect with other business-critical systems. For example, Hours can be integrated with various accounting systems, such as Merit Palk, ERPLY Books in Estonia, and Netvisor in Finland. If your chosen software has an open API key, Hours can create a connection. This means that approved work hours can be sent directly to the payroll program, where salaries are calculated automatically. This simplifies the work of accountants and ensures that all payroll calculations are based on accurate and up-to-date data.

Furthermore, Hours software can also integrate with ERP systems, offering companies a comprehensive solution covering all essential business processes. If the company uses software with an open API, it can easily be linked with Hours. This allows for automatic data exchange and seamless integration of systems, ensuring that all company operations, from production to accounting, are interconnected and support each other.

Effective Time Tracking and Integrated Solutions

Thanks to these features, Hours is an excellent solution for companies of all sizes that want to automate their work processes and make time tracking more accurate and efficient. The implementation of Hours is easy and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each company, ensuring a smooth transition and maximum benefit.

The example of Skano clearly illustrates how an innovative door interface system and automated time tracking can ensure accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. Together with Hours software, companies can benefit from more efficient work organization, reduced risk of errors, and optimized time tracking. Integration with various tools makes time management and reporting quick and accurate, freeing up resources and increasing company productivity.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!

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AI Entering Through Both Window and Door

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AI Entering Through Both Window and Door

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Sven Vaska

The advancement of technology constantly brings new opportunities to operate more efficiently in both personal and professional life. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of our daily lives, offering solutions from simplifying household tasks to optimizing complex business processes.

Use of AI in Everyday Life

In everyday life, the use of AI has become commonplace. Smart speakers, home automation, personal assistants – all these technologies help us better organize our daily lives. With AI, you can plan vacations, make shopping lists, or even manage household chores.

Implementation of AI in the Workplace

In the workplace, implementing AI is more complex and requires thorough preparation. AI can offer solutions that automate routine tasks, optimize production processes, and improve decision-making. For example, AI can analyze large datasets to identify patterns and suggest the best action strategies. Additionally, AI can monitor equipment performance and predict maintenance needs, helping to avoid unexpected downtimes.

Before AI can fully operate in the workplace, the company must be ready to share and process its data. This means the company’s data must be structured, digital, and easily accessible. Implementing AI also requires training employees and preparing them to adopt new technology, as only then can they fully utilize the possibilities offered by AI.

Importance of Digitalization

Before implementing AI solutions, it is crucial to assess which data is already digitalized and which still needs to be digitalized. Organizing and digitalizing data is a prerequisite for the adoption of AI, as only properly structured and easily accessible data allow AI to function most effectively.

Digitalization involves several steps, including data collection, structuring, and storing in suitable formats. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that data is securely stored and protected from unauthorized access. Digitalization enables companies to create a unified database where all necessary data is easily searchable and usable. This forms the foundation for the successful use of AI applications, as AI can only work effectively if it has access to reliable and up-to-date data.

Hours – The First Step Towards Digitalization

The Hours software by the company is an excellent tool that helps companies take the first step towards digitalization. Hours simplifies time tracking, offering the ability to log work hours in various ways – through a web application, mobile app, logging terminal, and even location-based tracking. This creates a strong foundation for further AI adoption, as precise tracking of work hours and results is a crucial part of data digitalization.


The possibilities of AI are limitless, but to fully exploit them, a company must be ready to digitalize its data. The Hours software helps companies take the first significant step in this direction by offering convenient and efficient time tracking solutions.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!

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Psychology in Time Tracking Software: Why Some Employees Fear It and How to Help Them

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Psychology in Time Tracking Software: Why Some Employees Fear It and How to Help Them

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Sven Vaska

Implementing time tracking software can be stressful and met with resistance by some employees. Psychological factors play a crucial role in how employees perceive and accept new technology. In this blog post, we delve into the psychological aspects that may cause fear and resistance among employees when using time tracking software. We will discuss how companies can support their employees to overcome fears and resistance, ensuring a smooth and positive transition to the new system. We offer practical tips and strategies on creating an employee-friendly environment and increasing the success of software adoption.

Fears and Psychological Barriers

Introducing new technology brings changes that can be daunting for employees. Here are some common psychological factors that may cause fear and resistance to time tracking software:

  1. Loss of Privacy: Employees may feel that time tracking software invades their privacy. The fear that every move is monitored and analyzed can cause discomfort and distrust.
  2. Fear of Performance Evaluation: Some employees may worry that the software will be used to assess their job performance. They might feel that every small break or slow pace could negatively impact their performance evaluation and career opportunities.
  3. Resistance to Change: Changes can be challenging, especially if employees are used to certain work methods. Implementing a new system requires adaptation and learning, which can be stressful and time-consuming.
  4. Inadequate Training and Support: If employees do not receive sufficient training and support, they may feel uncertain and confused. This can increase the fear of making mistakes or not understanding how to use the software correctly.

How to Help Employees?

Companies can take several measures to help employees overcome fears and resistance, ensuring a smooth transition to time tracking software:

  1. Clear Communication and Transparency: Explain to employees why the time tracking software is being implemented and how it will help improve work processes. Emphasize that the software is not intended to spy on employees but to facilitate their work and increase efficiency.
  2. Involve Employees: Engage employees early in the process so they feel part of it. Seek their input and consider their feedback in the selection and implementation of the software.
  3. Protect Privacy: Emphasize that employee privacy is important and that the time tracking software is configured to not invade their personal space. For instance, GPS tracking can be limited to work hours and locations.
  4. Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training and ongoing support so that employees feel confident using the software. Create a support network where employees can turn to with questions and issues.
  5. Promote Positive Feedback: Recognize and reward employees who have adapted to the new system and demonstrate good results using it. Positive feedback can help alleviate fears and motivate other employees.

Hours’ Personalized Support in Using Time Tracking Software

Hours is committed to providing personalized and comprehensive support to our partners throughout the use of time tracking software. We offer each new client a customized overview of our software’s capabilities, ensuring they feel confident and supported.

  • Initial Consultation and Training: At the beginning of the collaboration, we provide thorough consultation and training to introduce the software’s features and capabilities. This includes step-by-step guidance and practical tips on how to use the software effectively.
  • Ongoing Support and Problem Solving: Our support does not end after the initial training. We are always ready to assist with ongoing issues and questions. Our support team is available to provide quick and expert solutions to any concerns that arise.
  • Customized Solutions and Updates: We continuously develop and enhance our software to meet the changing needs of our clients. We offer customized solutions and regularly inform clients about new features and updates that help streamline their work processes even further.

Hours’ goal is to ensure that every client gets the maximum benefit from our software by providing them with personalized support and dedicated service every step of the way.


Adopting time tracking software can be challenging, but with the right approach and strategies, it is possible to overcome psychological barriers and create a positive and supportive work environment. Transparent communication, employee involvement, privacy protection, comprehensive training, and promoting positive feedback are key factors that help ensure successful software adoption and employee satisfaction.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!

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The Key to Efficiency and Satisfaction

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The Key to Efficiency and Satisfaction

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Sven Vaska

Time tracking is an essential aspect of every company, influencing both organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction. Traditional methods may be common but often fall short in terms of accuracy and reliability. Fortunately, there are solutions that make the time tracking process simpler and more efficient. One such solution is the Hours software.

Ekovilla is one company that has improved its time tracking by using the Hours software. Their experience demonstrates how technological advancements in time tracking can benefit a company:

Ekovilla: “The major advantages are remote access and improved work safety since we can see if the night shift has been completed.”

Ekovilla found that the Hours software is easy to use and helps save both time and money. The adoption of the software brought several positive changes: the ability to track working hours in real-time, better oversight of on-duty staff, remote access to the system, and improved work safety. Employee morale improved as they better understood their working hours, which increased their motivation. According to Ekovilla, the Hours software is a significant tool in daily operations, helping to create a more efficient and safer working environment.

Pärnu Graniit is another company that has benefited from using the Hours software. Their experience is also positive:

Pärnu Graniit: “The Hours software has significantly simplified our time tracking. Thanks to it, we have saved time and gained a better overview of hourly wages.”

Pärnu Graniit found that the Hours software has greatly simplified their time tracking, which in turn has helped them save time and get a better overview of hourly wages. They recommend the software to other companies for its simplicity, speed, and clarity. Additionally, the Hours software has helped Pärnu Graniit optimize work processes and reduce time costs, which are important factors for any company. Their experience proves that Hours is a reliable and efficient solution in the field of time tracking.

Hours Software: A Reliable Solution for Time Tracking

The Hours time tracking software has proven to be a reliable and efficient solution for many companies. The experiences of Ekovilla and Pärnu Graniit show how precise and real-time time tracking can improve the efficiency of work processes, work safety, and employee satisfaction. The Hours software helps companies save time and money while offering convenient and user-friendly solutions. If you are looking for a solution to make time tracking simpler and more accurate, Hours is definitely worth considering.

In Summary

The accuracy and efficiency of time tracking are critical to a company’s success. Using the Hours software brings significant benefits, including time and money savings, optimization of work processes, and improvements in work safety and employee satisfaction. Ekovilla and Pärnu Graniit are examples of how modern software can support companies in their daily operations, making time tracking simpler and more precise.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

Choose a convenient and smart way. Online time tracking reduces costs and increases efficiency for your business!

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