Hours Software Usage Approaches

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Hours Software Usage Approaches

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Sven Vaska

This is a question we often hear, almost every week. But how is Hours software really used? Instead of giving specific instructions like “do this, do that,” we provide some examples of how different managers use Hours software daily.

Generally, the use of Hours software can be divided into three main approaches.

Hours as a Background Tool

In the first case, Hours works as a background tool. In many companies, Hours operates automatically and unobtrusively in the background, without users needing to log in constantly. Working hours and activities are recorded automatically, and the manager receives the required reports at the end of the month at a convenient time. These reports can be easily forwarded, for example, to accounting. In some cases, the accountant has independent access to download the required data themselves. In the future, there are plans to add the ability to set up automatic report sending. For instance, it will be possible to specify a particular date when Hours will send the desired report directly by email, using settings predetermined by the manager.

The advantage of this approach is its simplicity and convenience. When all working hours are recorded automatically, and the reports are easily accessible, it reduces the workload for both managers and employees, as they do not need to enter data manually or log in to the system every day. This approach works well for companies where time tracking doesn’t require constant monitoring, and managers only need an overall overview without delving into details. Hours ensures that the necessary data is always available and ready at the right time, making the company’s management processes smoother.

Active Time Confirmation

The second usage is a more active approach. Some managers summarize and confirm the previous day’s hours already in the morning of the next day or at the end of the week. This approach allows for faster response and more accurate time tracking, making it suitable for those who prefer to keep an eye on their team’s activities in real time.

This approach helps keep all time data accurate and up-to-date since the hours are confirmed regularly instead of only at the end of the month. Additionally, the manager can respond more quickly to possible changes or inaccuracies that may arise in the schedule. Such an active usage approach works particularly well for managers who want to continually analyze and optimize their team’s work efficiency. It is also useful for those who value transparency and wish to keep employees’ work hours and tasks accurately documented.

Real-Time Time Tracking

The third option is real-time time tracking. This means managers monitor and manage working hours continuously throughout the workday. Real-time time tracking provides managers with an immediate overview of who is working on which tasks and for how long. This is particularly useful for ensuring quick responses and flexibility — for example, when work assignments need to be quickly rearranged, or when an employee needs assistance. Real-time tracking helps managers optimize resource use and ensure that work is done on time and efficiently. In addition to working hours, managers can monitor workers’ added comments and photos in real time, giving a better overview of the work progress and any potential issues. This allows managers to respond more quickly to questions or concerns raised by employees and ensures that all important notes and visual evidence are easily accessible. This approach is suitable for those managing larger teams or more complex projects where continuous insight into work processes and resource allocation is essential. It is also beneficial in project management where workflow needs to be constantly visible to ensure smooth project execution and quick response to unexpected situations. Real-time tracking also provides employees with clearer feedback and support since managers always have an accurate picture of the team’s activities.

As seen, Hours software allows flexible use according to the needs of the company and the manager — whether as a background assistant, a daily tool, or a real-time monitoring instrument that helps managers accurately track and lead their team’s activities. This flexibility means Hours is suitable for many types of organizations, whether they need a system that works almost independently or a tool requiring active and continuous intervention. Hours enables each manager to find the most suitable working method for themselves and their team, ensuring the best results and efficiency. The goal of the software is to make managers’ lives easier by providing them with the necessary tools so they can focus on what matters most — developing their company and employees.

Time is money.

Hours saves you both

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